CERT class

On Tuesday February 18, 2025 NCVV gained 30 new CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) graduates as the class completed six weeks of intense instruction on disaster prevention and preparedness.

NCVV has been hosting CERT training for almost 20 years, and has more than 400 graduates over that period of time. Organized by NCVV’s Emergency Preparedness Chair Paulette Stokes, the course brings LAFD professionals to Valley Village to teach participants basic disaster response skills and prepare them to be first responders in their neighborhood.

“We are very excited about the turnout and number of graduates for this class, especially since a few of the week’s trainings were completed even in the face of the January wildfire tragedies” said Ms. Stokes. Graduates are now able to further their training by participating in live disaster drills and advanced training on emergency preparedness and response.

CERT class in session