North Hollywood High School

LAUSD has provided notification by way of reminder from the information they shared at the September 5, 2019 and October 22, 2019, parent and community meetings:  14 trees are scheduled to be removed during the fall of 2019 as part of the initial construction phase of the Comprehensive Modernization Project for North Hollywood High School.

These include the below trees.

Tree Name, Location of Tree on Grant HS Campus:
Coast Live Oak, M&O Gate entry off Colfax Ave.
Cork Oak, North end of Main Parking Lot off Magnolia Blvd.
Cork Oak, Secondary Parking Area, South of Boys Gym
Cork Oak, Secondary Parking Area, South of Boys Gym
Golden Rain Tree, Southeast corner of Amelia Earhart
Blue Gum Tree, Northeast corner of main tennis courts
Blue Gum Tree, Between Boys Gym and Football Field
Blue Gum Tree, Between Boys Gym and Football Field
Coast Live Oak, North East corner of Football Field
Coast Live Oak, North East corner of Football Field
Glossy Privet, Northeast access gate to Track and Field
Glossy Privet, Northeast access gate to Track and Field
Hoop Pine, Entry to Agricultural Building
Hoop Pine, Entry to Agricultural Building