Southern San Fernando Valley Airplane Noise Task Force Meeting

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Task Force Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, May 6
6 PM to 9:30 PM

Public Comment Submission

24 Hours In Advance
Via Phone, Public Portal or Email

The Southern San Fernando Valley Airplane Noise Task Force has been working for several months to develop recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in response to dramatic changes in the amount and location of airplane noise from the Burbank and Van Nuys Airports. The Task Force conducted six public meetings, during which it received hundreds of individual public comments and nine formal presentations from community organizations representing a wide range of perspectives about the noise problem and potential solutions.

Although the Task Force has no authority to mandate changes, its objective has been to develop a set of recommendations to address the community noise issues related to aircraft coming to or from those airports and impacting the southern San Fernando Valley. Those recommendations will then be submitted to the FAA and other responsible entities, such as the airport authorities and the aircraft operators, for their review and response.

This week, the Task Force will hear a report from its technical consulting firm analyzing the various suggestions the Task Force members have offered for possible recommendations. Upon consideration of the report and further public comment, the Task Force will discuss the consultant’s analysis and potential recommendations. The Task Force will approve a final set of recommendations, which will then be submitted to the FAA and other responsible entities, such as the airport authorities and the aircraft operators, for their review and response.

The consultant report will be presented at a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 6, from 6 pm to 9:30 pm. The Task Force will also hear public comment on the report virtually, in accordance with “Safer at Home” restrictions. The Task Force may debate and vote upon potential recommendations on Wednesday or, if time does not allow, at a continuation of the meeting on Thursday evening, May 7.

How to submit public comment to the task force

1.) Phone-in Public Comment: Oral comments of approximately one-minute in length may be submitted to the voicemail box at (818) 485-1449. Comments received 24 hours prior to the meeting will be transcribed and read aloud during the meeting’s public comment period.
2.) Written Public Comment: Written comments of approximately 200 words will be accepted for each agenda item up until that agenda item begins with the exception of the dedicated Public Comment agenda item which will remain open for additional 15 minutes from the start of the item. Public comments submitted through the portal will have the option of having their public comment read out during the meeting. To do so, they must click on the option to have their public comment read out loud during the meeting. Only the first 200 words will be read out during public comment.
Written comments longer than 200 words may be submitted to up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. The comments will not be read out loud but will be provided to Task Force members prior to the start of the meeting

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