Hollywood High School trees
232 year old tree

This Thursday, January 7, after 10am, the Cultural Heritage Commission of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning will hold a hearing to consider granting Historic-Cultural Monument status to 15 trees on the south side of the North Hollywood High School campus.

The fifteen trees range in age from 64 to 232 years old. It is estimated that the oldest tree was planted in 1788, when the land that is now the state of California was governed by the Spanish. The tree predates the first Spanish Mission built in the San Fernando Valley in 1797.

Over five years ago the Neighborhood Council Valley Village Board of Directors began the process of obtaining Historic status for these trees. Under the direction of our Vision Committee Chair Marc Woersching and former Chair/Board Member Sandy Hubbard, historic reports, photos and other supportive data were gathered and submitted to the Commission early last year. The final hearing to consider this request is January 7.

One very important part of the process to consider this request is support from the community. If you’d like to join the call and support this effort, send us an email to info@myvalleyvillage.com and we’ll forward the zoom information to you. Public comment will be accepted by the Commission from all who wish to speak.