
Valley Village Shines on Earth Day

On Saturday, April 20, a record number of Valley Village residents and others from across the southeast San Fernando Valley turned out to celebrate Earth Day by shredding documents and saving them from heading to a landfill.

2024-04-22T16:34:27-07:00April 22nd, 2024|

Celebrate Earth Day With Us

Neighborhood Council Valley Village is excited to celebrate Earth Day with you again this year with our annual shredding event. Collect your sensitive documents now and bring them Saturday, April 20, 9am - noon  to Valley Village Park.

2024-04-10T10:48:03-07:00April 10th, 2024|

LA 311 Week

Did you know that MyLA311 provides access to 68 service request types across 11 City departments? Give it a try. Help make Van Nuys better by getting help from the City of LA through MyLA311.

2024-03-13T12:34:01-07:00March 13th, 2024|

Light Up Valley Village 2023

On December 9 hundreds of neighbors, families, friends and Valley Village businesses joined together to celebrate Light Up Valley Village and kick off the holiday season. Light Up Valley Village is an annual holiday event has been celebrated in Valley Village since 2007, and is made possible through the financial support of NCVV’s Board.

2023-12-19T15:10:43-08:00December 13th, 2023|

20th Anniversary Celebration

Join us as we celebrate 20 years of the Neighborhood Council Valley Village service to the community. There will be food, cake, fun and more Saturday, October 21, 11am-1pm at the Valley Village Farmer's Market, 5000 Colfax Ave.

2023-10-12T12:58:00-07:00October 12th, 2023|
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