
Vote In NCVV Special Election

Neighborhood Council Valley Village announced a board vacancy at its January 22nd meeting for the At-Large B community interest seat. Please review the Candidate Statements in preparation for voting on February 26, 6:30 to 7:30pm.

2020-02-28T10:13:26-08:00February 20th, 2020|

2019 Year in Review

With over 100 meetings in 2019, and countless more hours answering calls, returning emails, attending city hearings and advocating to city departments on behalf of our stakeholders, we’ve worked tirelessly to support our community. I hope you share my pride in the efforts of your NCVV Board. Our goal is to make 2020 even better, and keep Valley Village as “a great place to call home”.

2019-12-27T12:15:59-08:00December 27th, 2019|
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