101 and 170 State Beautification Enhancement projects

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170 freeway sign

As a part of the Clean California Program, Caltrans plans to engage the Hollywood Hills, Studio City, Toluca Lake and North Hollywood Communities regarding the State Beautification Enhancements along routes 101 and 170. As communicated previously for route, we would like to share with the community updates of our design based on your input and support. Caltrans appreciates if you would help share this invitation with your constituents, and neighbors that may be interested.

Draft Agenda:
1. Introduction and brief introduction of the project and design
2. Overview of the 101 beautification proposal and share Caltrans’ design concepts.
3. Overview of the 170 beautification proposal and share Caltrans’ design concepts.
4. Collect community input and idea for a community based project

101 State Beautification location map

170 State Beautification location map

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