Board Meeting

Join us for the next Neighborhood Council Valley Village Meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 7pm on Zoom. On our agenda: Special election of vacant Renter seat Grants for our Colfax Charter and Burbank Blvd Elementary Zoom Meeting - Participate Online or by Telephone Participate online: join the meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 [...]

Special Meeting

We will hold a special meeting May 16, 7:30pm on Zoom to approve funding for the pancake breakfast. Zoom Meeting - Participate Online or by Telephone Participate online: join the meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 then enter Webinar ID: 885 1071 0710 and press #  

Board Meeting

Faith Presbyterian Church 5000 Colfax, Valley Village

Join us for the next meeting of Neighborhood Council Valley Village on Wednesday, May 22, 7pm. Meeting documents: NCVV AGENDA MAY 2024 MEETING OF THE BOARD FY2025 NCVV NCFP AdminPacket-AnnualBudget The meeting will be a Zoom Meeting - Participate Online or by Telephone Participate online: join the meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 [...]

Special Meeting

We will hold a special meeting right after our regular meeting to reapprove a Neighborhood Purpose Grant, so it will be paid to the correct group: The $600 NPG to Colfax Charter School for support of the Colfax World Fair needs to be paid to the non-profit group that runs the event. That group is [...]

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