Past Events › meetings

City Services Committee Meeting

Join us for the NCVV City Services Committee Meeting June 18, 10am on zoom. Participate online: Join the meeting at: Meeting ID: 893 8459 9499 Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 then enter Webinar ID: 89384599499 and press #

Events & Outreach Committee Meeting

Join us for the NCVV Events & Outreach Committee Meeting on June 19, 4pm on Zoom: Participate online: Join the Meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 then enter Webinar ID: 841 3847 1131 and press #

Board Meeting

Faith Presbyterian Church 5000 Colfax, Valley Village

Join us for the next Neighborhood Council Valley Village on Wednesday, June 26, 7pm on Zoom. Participate online: join the meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 then enter Webinar ID: 864 9208 5294 and press #  

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