Wildlife Webinar
Join us for an informative session on wildlife you may encounter in your neighborhood. Details at https://www.laanimalservices.com/about-us-2/calendar/
Join us for an informative session on wildlife you may encounter in your neighborhood. Details at https://www.laanimalservices.com/about-us-2/calendar/
October 14, 2020 Planning & Land Use Agenda
What to Expect This panel will be an engaging discussion about the role of communities in nature-based, green infrastructure projects. Keep scrolling for a list of our distinguished speakers. Space is limited, register for our two remaining panels today! Register: https://www.watershedhealth.org/2020-soaking-up-success
LADWP invites you to join us in a virtual Zoom community meeting about a proposed project to capture stormwater at North Hollywood Park in your community. The meeting will include a presentation about improvements, impacts and benefits taking place at the park as well as a question and answer segment. LADWP lo invita a que [...]