Events for March 20 - February 12

Homeless Initiative Listening Sessions

The County of Los Angeles Homeless Initiative is holding a series of virtual community listening sessions to strengthen strategies for addressing and preventing homelessness and to inform our annual funding recommendations for homeless services and housing in fiscal year 2025-2026. These listening sessions will solicit input from diverse stakeholders and partners, including residents, local leaders, [...]

Board Meeting

Faith Presbyterian Church 5000 Colfax, Valley Village

Join us for the next meeting of the Neighborhood Council Valley Village August 28, 7pm online. Zoom Meeting - Participate Online or by Telephone Participate online: join the meeting at Participate by phone: (888) 475-4499 then enter Webinar ID: 864 9208 5294 and press #

Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting

Faith Presbyterian Church 5000 Colfax, Valley Village

Join us for the next Neighborhood Council Valley Village Planning and Land Use Committeee Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 7:15 pm at Faith Presbyterian Church, 5000 Colfax.

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