Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport 2500 N Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505 Agenda: http://hollywoodburbankairport.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/11.6.2019-Task-Force-Meeting-Agenda.pdf Meeting #3: Wednesday, Nov. 6, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. **Self-parking will be validated, valet parking will not be validated.** Please see https://hollywoodburbankairport.com/noise-environment/noise-task-force/ for more parking information.
Celebrate UN Day 2019 with the United Nations Association San Fernando Valley Chapter and the Sierra Club/Los Angeles Chapter, Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Richard Lyon, will discuss The Climate Crisis Now! Perils and Prospects. The presentation will also address the current findings of climate science and a proposed solution in House Res. […]
Hootenanny is an informal gathering with singing, dancing, pick up music and frivolity. Begins right after last performance of Alice in Wonderland. Potluck and BYOB, free, everyone invited.
This is friendly reminder to please join Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian inside the Panorama Mall for the 39th Annual Government Day! This is a unique opportunity for you to meet face to face with representatives from more than 30 federal, state, county, and city agencies. Among those who will be there to answer questions and provide […]
Join graphologist Lena Rivkin for an interactive workshop on what your handwriting says about you! Using examples drawn from famous authors, artists, public figures and willing audience members we will explore the mysterious and sound connection between how we write and who we are.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJAfaOKkHa8&feature=youtu.be 11:11am, November 11th. The parade will begin precisely at the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – the official kick-off of Veterans day. The parade will begin at the corner of Laurel Canyon Blvd. and San Fernando Mission Blvd, proceed down Laurel Canyon Blvd.1.1 miles and […]
The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative is seeking your input on how they should be using your local Measure H tax dollars and additional State funding to combat and prevent homelessness. Each session is an opportunity for you to weigh in on what is working well, what gaps exist, and the most effective ways to […]
The North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Corridor Project Join us at BRT Community Workshops To continue public feedback opportunities, Metro will host a series of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) workshops. These workshops will allow community members to share with us how they envision what a BRT could look like in their community […]