Join us for a Car Rally National Night Out Light your front porch with a blue light! Decorate your car with flags and signs (no political signs or slogans please) Decorate cars to promote Community safety, awareness and crime prevention. May also include backing the badge in support of law enforcement such as: “Lock it, [...]
This year your ballot contains 12 legislative propositions and initiatives that can directly impact the lives of you and your family. NCVV’s Board of Directors has partnered with the League of Women Voters to help you understand these measures. Join us for a virtual Town Hall (accessible by ZOOM and by phone) and take part [...]
Join us for an informative session on wildlife you may encounter in your neighborhood. Details at
What to Expect This panel will be an engaging discussion about the role of communities in nature-based, green infrastructure projects. Keep scrolling for a list of our distinguished speakers. Space is limited, register for our two remaining panels today! Register:Â
LADWP invites you to join us in a virtual Zoom community meeting about a proposed project to capture stormwater at North Hollywood Park in your community. The meeting will include a presentation about improvements, impacts and benefits taking place at the park as well as a question and answer segment. LADWP lo invita a que […]