Food drive volunteers

Neighborhood Council Valley Village partnered with Councilman Paul Krekorian and State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian to bring a holiday food and toy drive to Valley Village.  With leadership from Justin Berkowitz and our NCVV Student Committee, our community stepped up to help!

Well over 1,000 toys and 7 vans full of food were collected and donated to the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry (NHIFP), and hundreds of toys were taken to non-profits helping kids have a great holiday this year.

This outstanding organization is a 100% volunteer coalition of diverse religious institutions and individuals working together to address the problem of food insecurity in the community. NHIFP is a coalition of 13 participating congregations who distribute over 260 bags of food two mornings a week, 52 weeks a year. For more information on their work or to support their efforts visit  Thank you Valley Village for helping to make this holiday season better for so many people and thank you to board member Maribel Ulloa-Garcia for organizing the event and the beautiful balloon arches.

toys collected

food drive