As you know, peaceful protests are being held all across the city and state.  Unfortunately there have been numerous instances where some have taken advantage of these gatherings to loot stores and destroy property.

The entire county is now on a mandatory curfew, including Tuesday June 2.  This 12 hour curfew is 6pm to 6am and it is being strictly enforced.  Exceptions are made for healthcare and other necessary personnel who are traveling to/from work.  Proof of the need to be outside your home is required.  If you cannot prove you have to be outside your home you may be arrested.

We have been contacted by the Police Chief, our Councilman and Officer Rob to ask that all of our stakeholders respect the curfew.  There will once again be strict enforcement tonight.  If you see criminal activity please call 911 immediately.  Businesses in the area should take steps to protect themselves (e.g. consider boarding windows).

Last night the stronger involvement of LAPD, County Sheriff’s Department and the National Guard helped to keep looting lower than in prior nights.  That strong enforcement will be out again tonight.  Per the office of Mayor Garcetti the need for a curfew will be evaluated daily for the rest of this week.

On behalf of your entire NCVV Board of Directors, please keep your family safe, and honor the curfew.  Below is a message from our North Hollywood Police Department Captain Rafael Ramirez:

Due to the current state of civil unrest, the Department has mobilized and as a result North Hollywood officers have been redeployed to a Mobil Field Force Command Post to address the needs throughout the city.  I expect the unrest to last at least through the week and into next week.  Continue to monitor the local news media for real time updates as these incidents are very fluid and unpredictable.

Another note is that during this mobilization period, the city will be on a Tactical Alert and will not be responding to non-priority calls for service. Please be sure to utilize online and phone reporting for criminal activity as applicable.

Businesses should take ALL measures to protect their businesses such as removing merchandise and boarding up.  Please remember to secure your property and stay safe. We are doing everything we can to restore order and keep you safe.

Thank you for your continued support.