Security Service Available for Valley Village Residents
Did you know that hundreds of your neighbors are protected by 24/7 security patrols that exclusively operate in Valley Village and surrounding areas?
Police and Pride in Valley Village
Saturday, June 7 was a very special day in Valley Village with two events that brought many neighbors together to meet with LAPD and also to celebrate Pride month.
Apply Now for a Student Seat
If you are interested in joining our Board, your application will be accepted through July 8.
Valley Village Shines on Earth Day
On Saturday, April 20, a record number of Valley Village residents and others from across the southeast San Fernando Valley turned out to celebrate Earth Day by shredding documents and saving them from heading to a landfill.
Valley Village Community Plan Update
The Draft General Plan Land Use (GPLU) Designations for the Valley Village Community Plan has been released, available for your review and comment.
Celebrate Earth Day With Us
Neighborhood Council Valley Village is excited to celebrate Earth Day with you again this year with our annual shredding event. Collect your sensitive documents now and bring them Saturday, April 20, 9am - noon to Valley Village Park.